Well the first step in the right direction according to Leo Babauta, is
“Starting by admitting that greatness doesn’t come from the distraction and busywork that often fills up our lives.”
In other words, you need to start by realizing that greatness doesn’t come from the distractions that often fill up our lives, but from the differences that we make in the world.
Now focus on how you can make a difference in your life.
Work- Consider your current position, which perhaps you’re already doing something that’s making a difference, but how can you refocus yourself on your work?
Improve- There is always going to be room for improvement. Someone is always going to be better at something, and someone is always going to want it more so it is up to you to better your own future.
Focus- Focus on the true path that lies in front of you. Set goals for yourself and then make it a plan to achieve them.
Compassion- Be the example of compassion around you. For those of you who are business owners or managers, first, compassion and curiosity increase employee loyalty and trust.
“Research has shown that feelings of warmth and positive relationships at work have a greater say over employee loyalty than the size of their paycheck.”
Push- How often do you stretch your limits and test yourself? Push yourself past your limits. Some of the greatest accomplishments throughout our history are marked by our ability to push past incredible amounts of physical and mental pain in order to reach whole new heights and goals.
Serve- Reach out to a neighbor in need. Perform a random act of kindness. Mentor your communities children. Serve at a local soup kitchen. Donate to a good cause. Volunteer at a local animal shelter, clinic, or rehabilitation center.
Ideas- Don’t be afraid to have an idea. Whether it fits your current project or not, you can always transform the idea into something else later.
Persist- There will always be setbacks and failures as well as success and triumphs, but all of these bumps and obstacles are what makes being an entrepreneur great.
“Entrepreneurship is a labor of love, and like any great love, that often means a lot of passion and a lot of persistence to reach your happily ever after.”
The one ingredient you will always need for the journey of entrepreneurship is persistence.
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men and women with talent. Genius will not. Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not. The world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. -Calvin Coolidge